Friday, December 31, 2010

To a New Year!

Since my birthday post, I am sure that you gather that I like lists and goals and dorky stuff like that. I am sure then that you're probably not surprised that I make up goals for each New Year. Unlike the fun ones for my birthday, my goals for the next year include more serious things. Actually you are reading one of my goals for 2010 right now, which was to start a new blog. Check!

Anyway, I thought I would share with you some of the things I am thinking about for next year as they pertain to this blog, food, travel and life in general:

I am who I am as a blogger - I have definitely had my moments where I wonder why I am writing all of this on the interwebs, or why can't I be more like so and so blogger, BUT I'm coming to terms with me just being the blogger that I am. My pictures are far from perfect, and my posts may be too long, but this is who I am. If I changed the way that I blogged then it wouldn't be this blog, now would it?

Entertaining more at home - I started a conversation on Twitter about entertaining at home. It seems that people just don't do it as much anymore. I don't know if it's much worse because of living in New York City and not having a huge house, but my friends here just don't entertain very often at home (or maybe I'm just not getting invited? Hmm....). Perhaps I don't have get togethers because I tend to have to do all of the food prep, etc. Husband J helps with logistics, but there's no real help in the kitchen (Sorry, Husband J. It's the truth!). Either way, we are in a space in our lives where we can entertain, and we should. I hope to step up the game in this department this year and have our home be a place that will be full of laughter and growing friendships.

Move outside of my comfort zone blog-wise - I try to be pretty nice on this here blog, but I am hoping next year to talk about some more spicy topics. There will still be stories of travels past and present and lots of food, but I hope to try to address things that go deeper about how we experience food and travel.

Staying close to home - You all know that I am always thinking of new places to go, and they tend to be far away. I will admit to you that there are many places close to home that I have not been able to visit. I've only really been to the Hamptons/East End of Long Island once, and it was more of a drive by than anything. I can't tell you the last time I was in Philadelphia, and it's two hours away. I have a friend that just moved to Baltimore, and I really should go for a visit. This year, I want to take advantage of the places and experiences that I can have right on my doorstep.

Aprovecha! - I thought I would throw in a little Spanish here, but that's because I love this word. Aprovechar means "to take advantage of" or "to make the most of." I love that this is encapsulated in just one word in Spanish. English can be so cumbersome sometimes. :) Like most people, there are parts of my life that are great and parts that I would like to change. Next year, I hope to dwell more on the good aspects of some of the not-so-great parts of my life. Capice? While I may not be where I want to be in some areas, I hope to take the situation, refocus on its good aspects and use that new perspective to move forward personally and professionally or to just have more fun! Less than ideal situations may be opportunities in disguise.

Well, my dear readers, this is it for 2010. Not only do I wish you delicious food shared with loved ones and fun new experiences but also lots of opportunities to try something once! :)

Happy New Year!


lavenderpug said...

happy new year! i'm so impressed with your great list. my list is much more immature.

Nellie said...

Happy New Year! Looking forward to some spicy posts!

BigAppleNosh said...

Happy new year! SO true on the entertaining! I'd love to entertain yet...I never do. I'm going to try to do some of that in 2011!

Sugar said...

Love your list. I too think that a bit of spice to my blog might not be a bad thing.


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