Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to Expat Week!!!

Hey, all!!

I am SOOOOOOO excited for this week on Try Anything Once. After coming across all of these fabulous bloggers in the past several months, I noticed one theme: many of them were living the expatriate life. Choosing to leave the country where you were born/grew up and live in another country can be both exciting and challenging for anyone. The bloggers I'll be featuring this week will be drawing on their expatriate experiences in different countries all over the world. Some have been expats for some time and others are just embarking on their journeys. Either way, they've all got a unique perspective on what it's like to travel to a country, unpack and stay for awhile. Please show these bloggers some love this week!!

P.S. Can I also say that I am a little jealous? I've always wanted to be an expat. I know I've alluded to my time in South Africa lately, but that was really a personal test of whether I could live in another country for an extended period. I can safely say that I got on the plane back to the U.S. kicking and screaming in some respects. Even if it was short, I'm glad I got that experience. Anyhoo, enough about me. Let's get Expat Week started!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great idea! When I first saw Mandy's post I thought maybe you were moving!


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